Create Custom Forms in Task Manager
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This article is for NCCO Task Manager. Learn more about Task Manager.
Custom forms allow you to add fields and build a form to meet your kitchen's needs.
Custom forms are created in the Forms tab in the admin dashboard.
1. Log in to the Task Manager admin dashboard in the United States at, or in Europe at
2. Click the Forms tab on the side bar.
3. Click Create/Edit Forms - Checklists - Inspections.
4. Click Custom Form.
5. Click Create/Edit.
OPTIONAL: Copy an Existing Custom Form
Click Copy Existing to duplicate an existing checklist.
6. Type Custom Form Name.
7. Click + Add Field.
8. Click on the Type of Field to add.
On the form, each field allows staff to:
a. Text: Type text
b. Number: Type a numerical value.
c. Yes/No Button: Select yes or no.
d. Date: Enter a date.
e. Time: Enter a time.
f. Signature: Add a signature.
g. Image: Upload an image.
h. Temperature: Type in a temperature.
i. Food Item Batch: Select a batch code for a food item.
j. Resource: Select a resource from the list.
k. Resource Group: Creates a table listing all resources in a resource group, where a subform can be created to fill out for each resource.
l. Information Block: View text with relevant information.
9. Add additional fields and edit.
a. Click and hold the drag dots, then drag to reorder the fields.
b. Type a Field Name that will appear on the form in staff view.
c. Click X to delete the field.
d. Turn the Is Required toggle green to make the field required.
10. Click to set the Report Access.
- Unrestricted: Available to all to view report.
- Restricted: Requires the venue password to view report.
11. Click Save when done.
12. Click + Add to Profile for the compliance profile.
13. Adjust the Order the forms will appear, then click Save Changes.
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