Wi-Fi Network Troubleshooting
Wi-Fi network troubleshooting solutions for issues connecting your DateCodeGenie® device to your Wi-Fi network.
This article is for DateCodeGenie® devices with integrated printers or Lite model device tablets only. For mobile app users, refer to your tablet's manufacturer information for tablet setup assistance.
Confirm Wi-Fi requirements to connect your device to your Wi-Fi network for the first time, see Wi-Fi and Network Requirements. If you have not done so already, try to connect to the Wi-Fi network normally, see Connect Device to Wi-Fi, or continue with troubleshooting below.
There are three solutions for connecting a device to a Wi-Fi network or staying connected:
1. Restart Device and Download Updates
1. Restart your tablet.
2. Open the DateCodeGenie app and download updates, see Download Updates on the App:
- If no error code occurs and the download is complete, the device is connected to an active Wi-Fi network.
- If unable to complete the update for any reason, continue to 2. Manager Settings and Wi-Fi.
2. Manager Settings and Wi-Fi Network
1. Open Manager Settings using password 1234 and confirm the Wi-Fi setting is turned on by the blue color of toggle.
2. Tap Wi-Fi.
3. If device is connected but you know there should be a login or Terms of Service page that has not appeared yet, see Wi-Fi Authentication for Guest or Public Networks
4. If device is connected to an active Wi-Fi network but still having issues, confirm your randomized MAC address is turned off, see Disable Randomized MAC Address.
This setting may not apply to devices shipped before 2019.
5. If the Randomized MAC Address did not make a change, confirm date and time, see Incorrect Date and Time
6. Confirm that the device is connected to the correct Wi-Fi network and continue to forget saved networks:
- Tap Saved networks.
- Select all the Wi-Fi networks listed it's not currently connected to, and tap Forget for each saved network.
7. If the Wi-Fi network expected is not listed, contact your IT department to confirm your Wi-Fi network functionality. If it's a hidden network, see Setting Up Specific or Hidden Wi-Fi
8. If you made any changes from the previous steps, retry downloading updates to confirm Wi-Fi network connectivity.
9. Forget the correct Wi-Fi network your device is connected to, and reconnect. If unable to reconnect, continue to 3. Mobile Hotspot.
3. Mobile Hotspot
If none of the above solutions work, try using your mobile phone as a hotspot.
- If the device connects to your mobile hotspot but not to the correct Wi-Fi network, contact your IT department to report that your Android tablet is unable to connect to the Wi-Fi network.
The DateCodeGenie device is often called a printer, but the only part that connects to the Wi-Fi network is the touch screen of an Android tablet.
- If the device cannot connect to a mobile hotspot, it may need repair. Contact us for assistance, see Contact & Support