(Error 7) Problem Downloading Updates
An app error code displayed on a device indicating a problem connecting to the server, caused by weak internet connection or server error.
For common Wi-Fi connection error messages see Wi-Fi Error Message
Error 7 Troubleshooting
1. Verify correct date and time.
Incorrect Date and Time
Incorrect Date and Time
If the date and time is incorrect on the tablet or the DateCodeGenie® app, your tablet may:
- Not connect to Wi-Fi
- Display an error 600 message
- Print the incorrect dates on your labels
- These steps are for DateCodeGenie devices with integrated printers devices only. For mobile app users, refer to your tablet's manufacturer information for tablet setup assistance.
- Verify if the date and time are incorrect by launching the Chrome browser.
1. Tap the home button (circle or outline of house icon) at the bottom of the tablet to return to the tablet home screen.
2. Scroll to Settings (gear icon) and tap to open.
If Settings is not displayed in the left column of tablet home screen, tap Optional Settings (gear icon) in the bottom right corner of the touchscreen to access DCG KioskHome. Access Manager Settings, learn more about Using DCG KioskHome for Tablet Access
3. Scroll and tap System to open.
4. Tap Date & Time and tap Automatic date & time to turn Off.
5. Configure Set date, Set time and Select time zone for your area.
6. Tap Automatic date & time again and tap Use network-provided time.
7. Tap the home button to return to the tablet home screen.
8. Tap the DateCodeGenie app to open, download updates or log in to the app to download updates, and begin printing.
2. Verify correct internet connection.
How to Connect Device to Wi-Fi
How to Connect Device to Wi-Fi
Connecting your DateCodeGenie® device to Wi-Fi is easy and only takes minutes. Be sure your tablet is charged and turned on.
- These steps are for DateCodeGenie® devices with integrated printers devices only. For mobile app users, refer to your tablet's manufacturer information for tablet setup assistance.
- Contact your company for correct network and password requirements.
- See Setting Up Specific or Hidden Wi-Fi to connect to hidden networks.
1. Tap the home button (circle icon or house icon) at the bottom of the tablet to return to the tablet home screen.
2. Tap Settings.
If Settings does not display on the app list, see Using KioskHome for Tablet Access
3. Tap Network & Internet.
4. Tap the Wi-Fi toggle to turn green.
5. Tap Wi-Fi to display the network list and select your network.
6. Connected will display when successfully connected. Tap the home button to return to the home screen.
Not connecting to Wi-Fi? See Incorrect Date and Time or Wi-Fi Authentication for Guest or Public Networks. Contact your company for assistance with connection to your network.
How to Check Wi-Fi Connection Status
How to Check Wi-Fi Connection Status
Checking Wi-Fi connectivity on your DateCodeGenie® device is quick and easy.
This article is for DateCodeGenie® devices with integrated printers or Lite model device tablets only. For mobile app users, refer to your tablet's manufacturer information for tablet setup assistance.
1. Tap the home button (circle icon) to return to tablet home screen.
2. Tap settings from the app list to open.
3. Tap Network & internet to open.
4. Verify Wi-Fi toggle is green, then tap Wi-Fi to open.
5. Tap the desired network to open Network details.
6. Locate Signal strength.
Contact your company or network provider for additional network connection assistance.
How to Connect Device to Ethernet
How to Connect Device to Ethernet
This article is for DateCodeGenie® devices with integrated printers or Lite model device tablets only. For mobile app users, refer to your tablet's manufacturer information for tablet setup assistance.
Connecting your device to Ethernet is very easy and only takes minutes. Be sure your tablet is charged and turned on before connecting.
X Series model devices were manufactured with a USB port on the back. Please confirm your device does indeed have the USB port. See X Series Model Device, step 1.
Required Model Devices:
X Series Model Device
1. Pinch and remove the USB cap (black) from the USB port located on the back of the device.

2. Plug in the USB Ethernet adapter into the USB port. Go to https://store.ncco.com/ to purchase USB Ethernet adapter (purchased separately).
3. Pluseparg in the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port of the adapter.
Fit Model Device
1. Plug in the Ethernet cable into the Ethernet port.
3. Download updates on the app.
How to Download Updates on the App
Downloading updates ensures the app has the most accurate data for printing and alerts you when a new version is available to download.
Internet connection is required, see Connect Device to Wi-Fi or Connect Device to Ethernet.
- Portal administrators and managers can allow staff the app permission to download updates, see Allowed to Download Updates Permission
- Time for downloading updates varies depending on internet speed, amount of data to update, and length of time from last download.
Last updated time is displayed on the app notification bar.
There are four ways to download updates:
1. App Login Screen
1. Tap Download Updates on the app login screen.
2. A green spinning circle icon will display and continue to spin while downloading. The screen darkens and is inactive.
3. The Sync Complete will display briefly at the bottom of app login screen that download is complete and active.
2. Navigation Options
1. Tap the navigation button (three-line icon).
2. Tap Download Updates.
3. A green spinning circle icon will display and continue to spin while downloading. The screen darkens and is inactive.
4. The Sync Complete will display briefly at the bottom of app dashboard that the download is complete and active.
3. Download Button
1. Tap download button (red clockwise circle arrow icon), if displayed.
2. A green spinning circle icon will display and continue to spin while downloading. The screen darkens and is inactive.
3. The Sync Complete will display briefly at the bottom of app dashboard that download is complete and active.
4. Automatically Download Updates
Require staff to manually download updates before logging into the app following a set period of inactivity. Automatic app downloads are not available.
See Automatically Download Updates on the App